VirtualSky v - Custom Embed

VirtualSky is a browser-based planetarium for embedding in websites. Choose from the options below, check the preview is how you'd like, and then cut-and-paste the code into your web page.

  1. Customize

    only set this if you have to explicitly specify a language.
    e.g. 500x400
    e.g. Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:46:28 +0000 (leave blank for the current time)
    in decimal degrees
    Azimuthal offset
    in decimal degrees with north=0, east=90
    default is transparent (only relevant in polar/mollweide projections)
    leave blank for automatic
    larger number is fainter
    a scale factor by which to change the star sizes
    Sky gradient?
    Mouse control?
    Yes No
    Allow the user to use their mouse to drag the sky.
    Keyboard control?
    Yes No
    Allow the user to make use of the keyboard shortcuts when their cursor is over the sky.
    Invert sky colors?
    Yes No
    Display black stars on a white sky. Useful for printing.
    Cardinal points?
    Yes No
    e.g. "N", "S", "E" and "W"
    Constellation lines?
    Yes No
    Constellation labels?
    Yes No
    Const. boundaries?
    Yes No
    Meteor showers?
    Yes No
    Labels the radiants of current meteor showers
    Show planets?
    Yes No
    Will also show the Sun and Moon
    Show planet labels
    Yes No
    Show stars?
    Yes No
    Will also show the Sun and Moon
    Show star labels
    Yes No
    Display labels for the brightest stars e.g. "Sirius", "Deneb", "Pollux" etc?
    Show orbits?
    Yes No
    Show date?
    Yes No
    Displays the date and time in the top left corner.
    Show position?
    Yes No
    Displays the longitude and latitude in the top left corner.
    Azimuth gridlines?
    Yes No
    Equatorial gridlines?
    Yes No
    Galactic gridlines?
    Yes No
    Yes No
    The sky will update every second.
  2. Preview

  3. Embed